Web Content Accessible to All

We adhere to WCAG and WC3 group recommendations to ensure that your site content is accessible to all. Assurance that your site is ADA compliant.

We understand the principles of accessibility and site structures and components that meet the needs of diverse users.

We can build or restructure your site to be in compliance with the most current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as outlined and approved by the WC3 Working Group.  Learn more about WCAG here, and rest-assured that your site is accessible to all.

A recent Miami Federal Judge ruled that Winn-Dixie’s website is a place which must comply with ADA guidelines as a place of public accommodation because the site, “operates as a gateway to the physical store locations.”

We will ensure that your site is not in violation of ADA, and even more importantly, accessible to all, even those with visual impairments.  Your site will be compatible with assistive software on the user’s end, demonstrating your commitment to serving individuals across a wide spectrum of needs and abilities.